Measurement And Calibration

Inhouse Calibration of PT Suryaprana Nutrisindo

Preventive Maintenance

Preventive Maintenance division of PT Suryaprana Nutrisindo

Sarana Penunjang Kritis

Utility division of PT Suryaprana Nutrisindo

Training And Development People

Peningkatan Skill dan Kompetensi SDM adalah misi kami

Research And Developtment

Meneliti dan mengembangkan mesin dan peralatan

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Filosofi Kaizen

"Kaizen", Filosofi Gelas Setengah Kosong…

Dalam membangun bisnis, memupuk optimisme memang sangat diperlukan. Tapi, jangan lupa, kesempurnaan tidaklah mutlak. Perusahaan beromzet miliaran rupiah pun pasti akan terbentur berbagai masalah. Jadi, perbaikan berkesinambungan atau dalam bahasa Jepang akrab disebut “Kaizen”wajib menjadi agenda tetap mereka.

Kaizen mirip dengan filosofi gelas setengah kosong. Untuk membangun industri, “kekosongan” sangat diperlukan agar pelaku usaha memiliki pola pikir untuk terus mencari inovasi yang belum pernah dilakukan. Dalam penerapannya, pelaku industri wajib sigap mengidentifikasi masalah, jeli menganalisa penyebab, dan kreatif mencari solusinya.

Lean Enterprise

Bangun Kualitas, Manufaktur Wajib Kerja Cerdas!

Di tengah kekacauan ekonomi dunia, nilai ekspor Jepang pada Februari 2015 malah tumbuh di atas perkiraan. Data perdagangan barang Departemen Keuangan Jepang menunjukkan, pada Februari 2015, nilai ekspor Negeri Sakura itu tumbuh 2,4 persen lebih tinggi dari Februari tahun lalu.

Bahkan, ekspor Jepang ke Amerika Serikat menanjak 14 persen dibanding tahun lalu. Kebanyakan komoditinya adalah kendaraan bermotor, peralatan listrik, dan mesin-mesin logam. Jepang semakin mantap menjadi salah satu negara industri manufaktur terbesar di dunia.

Jepang berhasil membangun lean production system yang dipadukan dalam sebuah lean enterprise. Bagaimana menentukan pergerakan perusahaan antara demand dan suppy dengan berbagai model varian produk sesuai permintaan, dengan biaya semurah-murahnya, dan proses produksi yang efisien.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Knowledge You Need to Know – An Industry Perspective on Knowledge Management

An Industry Perspective on Knowledge Management
by Marty Lipa, Executive Director, Merck Manufacturing Division Knowledge Management and Learning Technologies COE
To help organizations address the many complexities of capturing, converting and communicating existing and emerging knowledge, ISPE’s Pharmaceutical Engineering magazine has put together an electronic supplement on knowledge management that features a collection of thought-provoking articles developed by regulators, industry, service providers and academia.
Over the past several years, there has been a growing interest in the practice of knowledge management in the biopharmaceutical industry. This is evident through the increased internal and external attention biopharmaceutical companies have focused on knowledge management (KM), including discussion on KM strategies, attendance and presentations at KM-related conferences, KM publications and KM-focused workshops.
There are many potential drivers for this increased interest and activity in knowledge management.  For one, there has historically been insufficient knowledge collected in the industry of both explicit and tacit knowledge.  Arguably, much explicit knowledge has been captured for a single purpose and not viewed as a reusable asset across the lifecycle of a product and into the future across products; and tacit knowledge – that is, expertise, know-how, experience – have been largely overlooked and poorly managed in such a complex, dynamic and challenging industry.
Next, the complexities of the overall businesses in the biopharma space have continued to dramatically increase.  Consider increasing globalization; externalization of R&D and manufacturing; in- and out-licensing; ever increasing pressures on development timelines, productivity, cost and quality; and mergers and acquisitions.  Each of these puts a strain on the continuity and flow of knowledge for any given company or supply chain.
Further, there are the growing expectations by the external community, including those outlined by the regulatory community with the Quality by Design paradigm, with the opportunity to leverage prior knowledge, and specifically, in ICH Q10 Pharmaceutical Quality System, which calls out knowledge management as a key enabler of quality throughout the entire product lifecycle.
Finally, although more effective knowledge management has been seen as an area of untapped potential, there have been many failures in past attempts in KM.  The reasons are many, including when KM is equated with being solely an information technology solution (e.g., a repository or a search engine) or where there has been a lack of enabling process, culture, sponsorship, and/or stewardship to make the KM efforts meaningful and sustainable.  Yet there is promise in the successes in KM witnessed in other industries that illustrate these failures can be overcome, and that there are real and tangible benefits for managing knowledge more effectively, including quality, cost, speed, employee engagement and many others.
This collection of articles provides you with a unique opportunity to learn from others in the biopharma space, including regulators, industry, service providers, and academia on their perspectives, experience and expectations around knowledge management.

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